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Posts Tagged ‘Kevin Strom’


Posted by nicolen on January 22, 2008









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Posted by nicolen on October 5, 2007


By Nicole Nichols

What a shame that children are exploited and abused for the pleasures of sick minds. What a travesty that little boys and girls are preyed upon by pedophiles and child pornographers. And what a sad state of affairs it is when the adults entrusted with caring for them and protecting them place them in harms way.

On October 2, 2007, Kevin Alfred Strom, mentored by Dr. William Luther Pierce, and founder of National Vanguard, began the first phase of a trial that is being watched closely by racists and anti-racists alike. After being granted a Motion to Sever, the charges being tried were those of witness intimidation and enticement of a minor into a sexual relationship.

The trial had a problem, however, and it is probable that both sides knew it was not winnable. Yet, it moved ahead only to have the charges dismissed by the judge at the end of the Prosecutions case. They were dismissed for lack of evidence. The second trial will be in January, 2008, when Strom faces five counts of child pornography.

While the initial trial was a bust, not all was lost. During the day and a half affair, the depravity of Kevin Alfred Strom was unveiled for the world to see.

Something else that was unveiled was the fact that not only was Strom stalking a nine-year-old friend of his step-daughter, but he was pleasuring himself to photo shopped pictures of the neo-Nazi singing twins that comprise Prussian Blue. In fact, Strom had pasted their heads on the bodies of younger girls to meet his sexual desires.

In the debates and controversies engaged in by those on the racist right, it was more than appalling to see that there are those who saw nothing wrong with what Kevin did, or those who continued to support him because of the work he had done on behalf of the “movement.”

Kevin’s estranged wife, Elisha, testified against him at the trial and found herself castigated for being a traitor by some while applauded by others. The revelation that the singing twins had been one of the objects of Strom’s affection generated a lot of discussion and a blasting from April Gaede, the twins’ mother.

Gaede, a long time cohort of Strom’s, had defended Strom from the time of the arrest. She insinuated over and over again that it was Elisha Strom who had “planted” the child porn on Kevin’s computer.

Now that the truth had surfaced and the evidence included confessions by Strom, as well as his sexual fetishes which included her girls, April was righteously indignant that the situation was being discussed in a public forum. Also, she held Elisha Strom accountable for remaining silent for so long, and claimed that Kevin and Elisha should have a stake driven through their hearts.

Such a reaction might have been understandable, given the circumstances, had it come from anyone other than April Gaede. Let’s look at both of these women.

While Kevin Alfred Strom’s sexual leanings had long been questioned by the racist community, so had Elisha’s. Considering her to be a “feminist” she was persona non gratis at many of their functions. It should be remembered that in the misogynistic world of white supremacy women should “know their place” and not become involved in the “man’s affairs” unless in a helping capacity.
As sure as Kevin’s website was “weird” and “creepy” to some – so was Elisha’s. She had been the focus of an almost brutal lambasting from those who remained in the National Alliance after Strom’s ousting.

In addition, Elisha had continued to live with Kevin Alfred Strom, along with her young daughter, even after she was certain that his proclivities toward children existed. Hence, in my opinion, sharing some of the blame in this abomination against the innocent.

However, April Gaede is just as much responsible. In a dialogue between the two women on the VNN message board, Elisha Strom absolutely pummeled April.

Objecting to a comment made by April asserting that her girls hardly knew Kevin, Elisha claimed that they had attended many of the same events, and that she had, in fact, protected the girls from Kevin on a couple of occasions. At one event, in particular, in New Orleans, she claimed she had started an argument with Kevin to divert his attention as he wanted to go to the pool to watch the twins in their bikinis.

April proffered that the reason her children’s names were mentioned was because of Elisha Strom’s testimony. Never mind that Elisha was under subpoena and had to answer the questions, and never mind that Kevin Alfred Strom had used her girls for his own sexual fantasies.

Elisha told April…

“Your daughters’ names are out there because of YOU. Your daughters’ names are out there in a criminal case because of KEVIN STROM.

You’ve put up pictures of your daughters in string bikinis, and outfits others have said were provocative, and, honestly, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you doing so. But when you do that knowing your children are public figures, how dare you bitch if someone misuses those pictures?”

Taking issue with Elisha’s silence, April was questioning why she had never come forward and warned her about Kevin and his actions to which Elisha replied:

“I have that one, too. And I have the conversation I had with (I believe it was) your husband — immediately prior to my leaving that message — in which I told him that Kevin had named your daughters in a public document and I wanted to not only let you know about it but how I would be responding to it. I also have the entire conversation we had about the photograph Kevin had made putting your daughters heads onto the bodies of not adult females but on children significantly younger than them — to paraphrase Kevin, “shockingly young girls.”

“You have the nerve to say I didn’t warn anyone when this first happened but I also have the message your attorney, Edgar Steele, left for me after my two phone calls trying to warn you Kevin had publicized your daughter’s names in a court document. You attack me for not trying to warn you then you attack me when I do try to warn you.

“I have the PM exchanges where we discussed the upskirt pictures of your daughters that Kevin had taken himself, and I asked you why you let him stand there at an event (one I was excluded from) and take so many pictures. He has literally hundreds of pictures of your daughters, most of which you allowed him to take and some of which you sent him. The one he photoshopped came directly from you.

“So… you want to use a message I left for you against me? Be my guest. Force me to defend myself though, and you better believe I will.”

Throughout the entire soap-opera, however, I do believe that Elisha Strom delivered the crowning blow to April Gaede with this comment:

“And for the record: When asked, I had always stated that I did not for even a second believe you would purposely contribute to Kevin’s sick obsession with your children. The only time I questioned my judgment of that was when I saw your complete lack of response to David Lane in that interview when he told you your children were his fantasy girls. Quite frankly, even a retarded first grader would have known exactly what he meant by that. This would be the same interview in which you called your teenage daughter a “cunt” on national television.”

A lot of people did some judgment questioning after viewing the James Quinn video and seeing April interacting with her children in a manner quite telling about what it is like in the Gaede household.

April Gaede is no role model even for the white supremacists. She is a delusional and controlling individual who has attempted to live her life through her twin girls and is promising to do much the same with a younger child.

When you consider what the, now fifteen-year-old, twins have had to endure, you can’t help but wonder just how much damage has been done. Having been home-schooled for a good portion of their lives while being indoctrinated into the white supremacist mindset has to have taken its’ toll. As is evidenced in the Quinn documentary, they are starting to rebel.

April has promoted and exploited these girls for own gain, both personal and self-gratifying, since they were three. She has been criticized for the clothing they have been pictured in and the sultry poses, which some even on the racist right have considered way too provocative for little girls.

As most of us attempt to protect our children from certain influences and people, April has forced her children into a world of skinheads, racists, and pure hatred. They have been required to perform before audiences of drunken and seedy individuals by what can only be considered a mother intent on riding the gravy train.

In the Quinn documentary, who can forget April taking the girls into a local bar to perform? The girls sang folk tunes devoid of racist lyrics – but that wasn’t enough for April. She began passing out the girls’ CD’s with all of the white nationalist music that they had done. The upshot of this affair was that all three of them were kicked out of the bar to the girls’ utter embarrassment. They were 14 – and they were, obviously, sick of their mother and her ideology.

The relationship between David Lane and the girls, as Elisha referenced, was promoted and perpetuated by April Gaede. Most sane people would question holding Lane up as a hero to their children, much less naming him as “Godfather.” Yet, April had no reaction to Lane’s openly admitting his lust for her children.

April has placed her children in harms way for a good portion of their lives and now wants to be outraged that a perverted and twisted individual exploits them.

On the flip side, Elisha Strom is no candidate for canonization. A virulent racist and anti-Semitic person, she must shoulder some of the blame for allowing this to go on as long as it did. But, then again, we all know about the battered and abused wife who can’t let go. We have all heard about woman who falsely believe that “he will change.”

Which raises yet another question for me. Who else knew? Who else in the movement knew Kevin and knew his penchant for babies? Why is it that I get the feeling that there is much more going on here than we know about? I will never forget Don Black’s reaction to the news when he said, “We were afraid of this.”

Kevin Alfred Strom went to New Orleans a couple of years ago to speak at a confab of white supremacists that was organized by David Duke. Shortly after that, he attempted a coup on the National Alliance – something that I believe was devised by Duke, Jamie Kelso, and Kevin Strom at that meeting.

For quite some time, Vincent Breeding was David Duke’s right hand man. He and Duke were very close until it was revealed that he was in the porn business on the side. Of course, after that revelation, Duke had to distance himself. Yet, rumor has it that Breeding is still in the picture – simply low-key.

There have been questions and jokes arise from the claim that Jamie Kelso shares Duke’s home and that the two of them bought a car together in both of their names.

Duke, whose popularity has been waning here in the U.S. among racists, since the New Orleans Protocol affair has spent an inordinate amount of time out of the country since his release from prison. He had a lot to gain if the coup on the National Alliance had been successful.

Of course, all of this is speculation – but the thought that the tip of the iceberg is all that has been scraped is a nagging one. Undoubtedly, the trial in January will provide us with even more information in this repugnant episode in yet another travesty from the racist right. I think it would behoove the authorities to look further – to look deeper – because my intuition tells me that Strom isn’t the only one in this cesspool.

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As I See It…A Word, Maybe Three, About The Strom Case

Posted by nicolen on October 4, 2007

strom_kirsten_pierce.jpgThe charges against Kevin Strom were dismissed in court today. However, this is just the first leg of the trial as he still faces 5 counts of child pornography which will come to trial in January, 2008.

The 51 year old Strom has been a white supremacist since his teen years and has always been under scrutiny by one member of the rank and file or another questioning his sexuality. I remember the first time I visited his web site sevearl years ago. It was an amalgamation of white supremacist ideology, Renaissance Art, scantily clothed teens, and obviously posed pictures of Kevin.

Any respect that Kevin had among those on the racist right generally came to him because of his intellectual acumen yet, there was always something about him that caused others to object to him. For some it was his voice which is distinct. For others it was his demeanor. For those who came to know him well, accepting his anti-Semetic and racist views was one thing, but they weren’t about to have him over for dinner.

All of that aside, however, he did have somewhat of a following. Strom was arrested last January for child pornography and witness intimidation. The stalking and enticement charges came later. After reading all of the court documents leading up to the trial and the reports from the courtroom, I am not surprised at today’s disposition. But, I do have a few thoughts running around in this brain of mine that trouble me greatly.

The first thought is about Elisha, Kevin’s wife. She has portrayed herself as the “She Wolf of National Socialism.” By all accounts she has always been a force to reckon with and was very much disliked by others in the movement. In most white power circles she was just too much of a feminist for the crowd who generally believes that a woman should know her place.

Yesterday and today she reportedly took the stand and testified in a “quavering” voice. I supposed this new demeanor could be explained away by the torment that she has been going through and all of the abuse she has taken before and after the arrest. But…I don’t much think so. It is important to remember in all of this that Elisha is smart and she doesn’t use the email address for nothing.

Elisha claims that at some point in time she arrived home unexpectedly to find her husband at his computer, nude, and in a state of sexual arousement.  According to her, Strom was masturbating to pictures of Prussian Blue, the neo-Nazi singing twins. Apparently, from what was presented in court, Strom had cut the heads off of a picture of the twins and pasted them onto other bodies.  It should be noted here that Strom was a heavy promoter of the twins and new them and their mother very well.

Later, it is not clear when, Elisha placed cameras around the house to spy on Kevin and recorded him doing the same thing with other girls pictures. During this time, Elisha has done nothing even though she has a young daughter from a previous marriage at home.

At some point, her young daughter introduces she and Kevin to a nine-year-old friend who Kevin becomes obsessed with. On an outing, at which it began to rain, Kevin opens an umbrella, places his arm around this little friend and walks off leaving his family behind to get wet.

Are we starting to wonder about Elisha yet?

Kevin and Elisha get into an argument, she has caught him again. She tells him she is going to call the authorities. He grabs her shoves her into the wall and tells her he will kill her. She hits him in the head with the phone sending him to the hospital.

Then….she writes out a “contract” in which Kevin agrees to seek counseling for “pedophilia” until he is “cured.” Kevin signs the contract and they have it notarized. On top of that, Elisha taped one of the counseling sessions where Strom confesses his guilt.

Now, I don’t know about anyone else, but if I had found my husband sexually stimulating himself to the pictures of little girls – there wouldn’t have been any if’s. There wouldn’t have been any maybe’s…I would have gotted my child out of there. And…if I had seen what Elisha saw, I would not be on an outing with the neighbor’s nine year old daughter and my husband.

The nine-year old in question is the daughter of the parents who brought this all to light – Kevin Alfred Strom stalked her and has admitted to it.  While I am not surprised the witness intimidation charge was dropped, I DO believe that what he did was “enticement of a minor.” According to an anonymous poster at “The Hook”:

“Certain people in Ruckersville have known about this case for more than a year and half. Did you know Kevin Strom was a “volunteer photograher” over at United Christian Academy? He came in and took hundreds, if not thousands, of photographs of the children last year and the year before. The school doesn’t want anyone to know this information. Even when parents expressed concerns about Kevin Strom they let him continue coming around. The parents of the child victim in this case are not the only ones who pulled their kids out of that school over this.”

The same poster claims that Kevin would wait outside the school for the girl everyday and that local police and authorities knew. Additionally, the poster claims that Kevin’s mother has “known about he son’s problems for years.”

Why did Elisha Strom wait so long before coming forward? Some claim she set him up while others claim that she was part of his sick and perverted lifestyle.

And then there is April Gaede – the mother of the singing twins. I have written a lot about April. I have always seen her as a manipulative stage mother who is trying to live her life through her children. Actually, I see her now as more of a “pimp.” Before the girls were even teens, April was trying to “fix them up” with a nice Aryan guy.

The most recent documentary about the girls depicts April as precisely that. At one point in the film, April sits and smiles as the girls talk on the phone with David Lane who was in prison seving a 190 year sentence for murder and his exploits with the Order.  When David Lane referred to the 14 year old girls as “all grown up” and his “fantasy sweethearts” most of us gagged while April got all warm and happy.

So…should she be surprised that Kevin Alfred Strom was acting out his own sick fantasies to pictures of her own daughters? From the initial arrest right up until today, April Gaede claimed that Strom was innocent. Today she is singing a somewhat different tune…
” And, for the record, I do think Kevin probably is guilty and I would like to see him executed. But he is not the only guilty one in all this. Elisha is guilty for trying to create the idea that more happened than a cut and paste job, and the gossips are guilty of using this as a sensationalist thing to have something to talk about. Talk about Inside Edition.

“Whether my kids had a band or not makes no difference in this. That is a red herring aruguement. They are only 15 years old. They are minors and you can have the decency to edit out thier names, since it was only their pictures that were used anyway and we had nothing to do with it.

“Her motives in this are questionable to me at the same time that I think that Kevin is guilty. Maybe they should share a cell or a stake.”

One thing for certain in all of this is that there is a lot of dirty laundry that is going to be aired. None of them…April, Elisha, or Kevin are without culpability. Racist ideology aside, pedophilia, child pornography, and child abuse are not acceptable in any society. Whether or not Kevin Alfred Strom possesses actual child pornography on his computer is moot at this point and will only serve to determine his sentencing. Regardless, because of his admissions in court and in court documents, he is a sick and depraved individual and will never be accepted except by other sick and depraved individuals.

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